About Shehan Wijetilaka

Shehan is an expert in marketing strategy and sales execution. His insights are backed up with over 25 years of demand creation experience in senior sales executive roles, including running a $100 million business line. He also has deep insights in developing new digital business models and is passionate about social media. Shehan has published many research papers and articles. He also speaks regularly at industry forums and conferences on topics such as Business Strategy, Value Creation, Centres of Influence, Demand Creation Strategies and Digital Disruption. Shehan has a B.Sc Honours Degree in Electronics Engineering and Physics from Loughborough University, United Kingdom. He has worked for IBM Corp, Telstra and Huthwaite.

Agile: The new normal in business growth planning

You don’t have to be a cab owner with the spectre of Uber hanging over your business to know what digital disruption feels like. Businesses in every industry are grappling with the very real threat of disruption and how to take advantage of the many opportunities it brings. Strategic planning for business growth One [...]

By | February 15th, 2016|Growth Planning, Step 4 - Growth Strategy|

Why you need to align your team for growth in the new year

In any elite sporting team, success comes from the strong relationships that are forged through two factors: Everyone striving for the same goal, and Everyone needing each other to achieve that goal It’s the same in business. Even the most visionary CEO armed with dynamic business strategies is only as strong as his or [...]

By | January 15th, 2016|Growth Planning, Step 1 - Business Goals|

Want to grow your business in the new year? You need a plan!

Back in an interview in 2010 Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook admitted that in the early days Facebook didn’t have a business plan. He also famously declared that “Startups don’t need or have time to write a business plan.” While Facebook may be the poster child for success despite no planning, for the rest of [...]

By | January 3rd, 2016|Growth Planning, Step 4 - Growth Strategy|

From bell curve to well curve: The story of customer polarisation

Digital disruption is rewriting the rules of business and competition. With the fast changing customer landscape, incumbent brands are at risk of being left behind. The alarming truth is that if you simply continue to do the same things that have brought you success in the past, your business will fail. Conventional assumptions about value [...]

By | December 2nd, 2015|Growth Planning, Step 8 - Digital Strategy|

Centres of Influence: 3 key barriers to success

Centres of Influence (COI’s) are key people within the target client segment that you need to penetrate. The COI is typically a trusted advisor of your target client. If executed correctly, COI’s introduce you to clients with whom you’d like to do business. The goal is to discuss how you work with their clients and [...]

By | November 24th, 2015|Step 4 - Growth Strategy|

To grow or not to grow? It’s an urgent choice between life and death

Last year in their Global survey of 400 CEOs, KPMG found an overwhelming refocus on growth after years of focus on risk aversion and operational efficiency. Fast forward twelve months, and KPMG’s Global CEO Outlook 2015 is even more upbeat about growth planning. 52% of CEO's picked aggressive growth: Asked to identify their organizational priorities [...]

By | November 4th, 2015|Core Topics, Step 4 - Growth Strategy|

Value Creation in Professional Services

Experience shows that in tough economic times where discretionary spending is reduced or even non-existent, the demand for professional consulting services can be increased by applying skill to create value during every client interaction - rather than simply making more client meetings (i.e., more activity). Compared to just 12 months ago, clients are busier than [...]

By | September 2nd, 2015|Growth Planning, Step 4 - Growth Strategy|

8 ways you are impacted by not having a Growth Plan

In the absence of a Growth Plan, many businesses suffer from severe knock-on effects that impact revenue growth. Building and sharing a Growth Plan with your team and external advisors ensures that you are sprinting in the correct direction of customer segments that most value your offerings. WATCH: Why GROW Strategy is [...]

By | August 19th, 2015|Core Topics, Growth Planning|

Why half a campaign doesn’t bring half the results

In tough times, a strategy that gets regular use is to increase advertising and promotional budgets. The Internet has had a dramatic shift in viewer habits. This has led to an increasingly fragmented audience. Well designed advertising campaigns achieve results. The important decision of a promotional mix involves making a selection between the investment in traditional [...]

By | August 11th, 2015|Step 4 - Growth Strategy, Step 8 - Digital Strategy|

Strategy for Growth: Weather the storm

In tough time, the first, and most frequently observed strategy is to do nothing. To wait until the economy improves. Alas, reduced growth and conservation of scarce capital is a normal course of action in a tough economy, and the good times may be a long way off. You risk having to lay off more [...]

By | July 17th, 2015|Step 4 - Growth Strategy|