Webinar: Essential steps in a SWOT Analysis

This 1 hour webinar is ideal for: Business Owner, CEO, GM, Director, Head of Marketing, Head of Sales, Mid-market Business Advisor

Cost: $99 per attendee add to cart


Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis is a widely recognised method for gathering, structuring and reviewing a snap-shot of your current situation – to ultimately aid in a methodical planning process to develop a growth plan for a company.

SWOT analysis was founded on research conducted at Stanford Research Institute during the 1960’s. The catalyst for this research was as a response to the question “why corporate planning fails”; this research was funded by a group of Fortune 500 companies.

SWOT continues to be one of most powerful planning tools available for big and small business alike to diagnose their business position.

Learning Outcomes

After attending this webinar;

  • Understand the internal environment better by pinpointing your Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Understand the external environment (eg: market trends, competition) better by identifying the Opportunities and Threats

In this webinar

  • We will take you through a broad overview of the SWOT method
  • Show you how to apply SWOT to your revenue growth plan
  • Discuss methods to turn your Weaknesses into Strengths and Threats into Opportunities

About the Speakers

Your host: Jim Burke

Jim is an expert in making business strategy work through targeted, high impact people initiatives. He has over 25 years proven success in Australia, the US and Asia Pacific.

Your presentor: Shehan Wijetilaka

Shehan is an expert in marketing strategy and sales execution. His insights are backed up with over 20 years of demand creation experience in senior sales executive roles, including running a $100 million business line.

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