Subscription Questions

How does the free trial work?

Sign up for our free plan. This plan gives you access to our Lite Licence and is free, without any time limits. It allows you to create a plan and invite your internal staff and trusted external advisers to review the plan. You can upgrade your plan at any time to gain access to premium features.

Who is the owner of my plan? What is the relationship between the account owner and my business?

The GROW|STRATEGY account owner is the person who originally set up your account at time of registration – see name in Principal Information. The only person who can up/downgrade plans, change credit card billing information, and cancel accounts is the account owner. The Growth Plan belongs to the Business Name that you set-up in the Business Information tab.

Are there sign-up fees? Termination fees? Any hidden fees we should know about?

There are no hidden fees.  We don’t charge signup fees, termination fees, or any additional fees. The price you pay is simply the fixed monthly subscription fee based on the plan you’ve chosen.

How do we cancel?

You can cancel at any time by informing us via email to Your account is effectively considered to be “cancelled” by you choosing to downgrade to the Lite Version of GROW|STRATEGY.  Your plan data will be retained in your account, in case you want to use GROW|STRATEGY  again in the future, but you will only have access to the features appropriate to your plan.

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