Would you drive through an unknown territory without directions? Running a business without a plan carries similar risks. To compound this uncertainty, Digital disruption is rewriting the rules of business and competition. Fortunately, disruption also presents opportunities to grow your business faster than your competition.
Business owners and leaders have endured tremendous disruption in recent years. Few companies have fully prepared for the structural changes taking place.
- Your customers have ready access to extensive online information, giving them the advantage.
- Customers demand more customised products and services, at lower prices.
- Upstart competitors are using new channels (e.g. digital) to sell at ever-lower prices leading to margin erosion.
This is why having a roadmap to navigate your survival and plot your growth trajectory is vital. This roadmap is a Growth Plan.
Use the 9 Step Blueprint in the growth plan to set your strategy, monitor progress and hold yourself accountable. Having a plan also mitigates against failure.
We believe that developing a Growth Plan should be a rewarding experience and not a daunting task that keeps getting postponed.
Our platform makes it easy for you to clarify and prove to yourself first, how you plan to engage your target customers to generate revenue and achieve your goals.
You can also invite your team and external advisors to your online growth plan so that they are also on the same page as you.
As a business owner or leader, do any of these issues concern you?

Lack of Sales learn more»

Intense Competition learn more»

Unexpected Growth learn more»
How GROW Strategy helps
GROW|STRATEGY is a structured and modular software platform that enables Business Owners to combat disruptive changes by using a smart map (our online platform is like the sat-nav) to plot sales growth using a Growth Plan. Together with our business partners, we also provide the navigation (our consulting expertise) to help you make smart choices to help grow your business.
Many companies develop a Business Plan – mainly for external review, in order to gain funding. This Business Plan then ends up gathering dust as its primary purpose is a one-off event. Few invest time or have the skills to develop a viable Growth Plan, to manage their revenue line by providing answers to:
- What is the market potential in terms of sales revenue?
- Is my market share growing too rapidly? What strategy should I choose to manage this growth?
- Who are my main competitors? How to convert weaknesses into strengths? How will my business compete and grow?
The online GROW Strategy Platform answer these questions and delivers a competitive advantage to your busines. Whilst others are using a traditional map, the Platform helps drive your business growth using the correctly programmed sat-nav. It helps you reach your goals faster.
Learn how customers benefit
Here is what customers say about the benefits of using GROW | STRATEGY to power their business growth. learn more>>
“The GROW STRATEGY Platform is a useful tool in clearly defining business objectives, sharpening client segments and defining the value proposition offering…it is a user friendly system. The inbuilt resources provide great hints and tips”
“The free access to the GROW Strategy platform helped me develop a simple plan to grow my sales, quickly. As I get busy, the alerts feature reminds if I am on track with my execution. I spend less time on wasted efforts, and get more traction with my key customers”
“I found the growth plan process valuable as it forces some discipline into what is an often considered but not appropriately formalised endeavour”
The key benefits of using GROW Strategy

Save time and fast track your growth plan by picking from smart options learn more>>

Track actions to ensure the strategy positively impacts your customers learn more>>

Invite your team and external advisors onto your online growth plan that lives in the cloud learn more>>

Concentrate scarce business development resources on your customers learn more>>
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The Research
The top 3 reasons why businesses fail are;
- Not really in touch with customers through deep dialogue (Read: too scattergun)
- No real differentiation in the market (Read: lack of an unique value proposition)
- Failure to communicate a value proposition in a clear, concise and compelling fashion (Read: attempt to be all things to everyone)
(Many sources including this Forbes article on the reasons why businesses fail).
Companies need to take a fundamental new approach to growing sales – it needs a strategy that eliminates these risks. The strategy has to be structured and sustainable. It needs to be bullet proof as many business owners may not have a second or third “bite at the cherry” to get it right.
To help business owners and leaders, our research delivers the following insights:
- Small Change, Big gains for Small Business: Learn more by downloading this infographic
- The customer buying pattern has changed forever: Learn more by downloading this 3 Truths of Growing Your Business infographic
- A Growth Plan delivers agility that strategic planning cannot: Learn more by downloading this 9 Step Blueprint infographic
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