Unexpected Growth
“We have the opportunity to fast-track growth, but we are worried about growing too fast and over reaching ourselves” – this is what we often hear when a business experiences rapid growth that it cannot control.
While business growth is desirable, growing too fast can cause some serious challenges. High growth equals high uncertainty.
It’s great whilst the tide is rising, but the pressure to grow has also derailed many companies.
Balancing the needs of the business experiencing rapid growth, managing new sales, realising new opportunities, hiring new staff – against protecting existing revenue generated from current customers is a big challenge.
The business is growing in fits and starts? Can’t control the revenue trajectory from feast to famine and back?
GROW|STRATEGY can help – Effective planning can help you chart the best way for your own business to grow. A solid growth plan will also help ensure that you have the necessary resources in place to support and sustain your growth
Get to know the difference with GROW|STRATEGY

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