Centres of Influence: 3 key barriers to success

Centres of Influence (COI’s) are key people within the target client segment that you need to penetrate. The COI is typically a trusted advisor of your target client. If executed correctly, COI’s introduce you to clients with whom you’d like to do business. The goal is to discuss how you work with their clients and [...]

By | November 24th, 2015|Step 4 - Growth Strategy|

To grow or not to grow? It’s an urgent choice between life and death

Last year in their Global survey of 400 CEOs, KPMG found an overwhelming refocus on growth after years of focus on risk aversion and operational efficiency. Fast forward twelve months, and KPMG’s Global CEO Outlook 2015 is even more upbeat about growth planning. 52% of CEO's picked aggressive growth: Asked to identify their organizational priorities [...]

By | November 4th, 2015|Core Topics, Step 4 - Growth Strategy|