Good strategy is about action. It provides a way through a difficulty or maximises a growth opportunity
Agile: The new normal in business growth planning
You don’t have to be a cab owner with the spectre of Uber hanging over your business to know what digital disruption feels like. Businesses in every industry are grappling with the very real threat of disruption and how to take advantage of the many opportunities it brings. Strategic planning for business growth One [...]
Want to grow your business in the new year? You need a plan!
Back in an interview in 2010 Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook admitted that in the early days Facebook didn’t have a business plan. He also famously declared that “Startups don’t need or have time to write a business plan.” While Facebook may be the poster child for success despite no planning, for the rest of [...]
Centres of Influence: 3 key barriers to success
Centres of Influence (COI’s) are key people within the target client segment that you need to penetrate. The COI is typically a trusted advisor of your target client. If executed correctly, COI’s introduce you to clients with whom you’d like to do business. The goal is to discuss how you work with their clients and [...]
To grow or not to grow? It’s an urgent choice between life and death
Last year in their Global survey of 400 CEOs, KPMG found an overwhelming refocus on growth after years of focus on risk aversion and operational efficiency. Fast forward twelve months, and KPMG’s Global CEO Outlook 2015 is even more upbeat about growth planning. 52% of CEO's picked aggressive growth: Asked to identify their organizational priorities [...]
Strategy for Growth: Weather the storm
In tough time, the first, and most frequently observed strategy is to do nothing. To wait until the economy improves. Alas, reduced growth and conservation of scarce capital is a normal course of action in a tough economy, and the good times may be a long way off. You risk having to lay off more [...]
6 critical topics to test your business growth curve
Standing still is not an option. Any business that is not growing is going backwards. Too many companies face the day-to-day pressures of surviving and end up just “playing along with the market” in auto-mode. They are hoping growth that is lost in the past will somehow re-appear on their top-line revenue, in the [...]
Strategy for growth: Cross-selling
It is generally acknowledged that the approximate cost for acquiring a new client is 5 to 8 times more than retaining a current relationship. By applying this in the disrupted marketplace, it is logical to assume that, to increase market share, we need to cross-sell new products or services to existing clients. Clients will also benefit [...]
Six Strategies for growing revenue in tough times
Uncertainty and disruption is leading to a leaner and tougher business environment. Some organisations are emerging from the current state of economic uncertainty, poised to make spending reductions a permanent fixture. As we look to grow top line revenues, what strategies should we be adopting in this changing world? It is more than likely that [...]