Good strategy is about action. It provides a way through a difficulty or maximises a growth opportunity

Good sales strategy: the one test that matters

What is the difference between a sales strategy that succeeds and an equally well thought out strategy that fails? I was asked this interesting question by a CEO, the other day. After some reflection, I was able to share with him, that the only outcome that matters is that a good sales strategy works to [...]

By | March 6th, 2015|Step 4 - Growth Strategy|

How to validate your revenue growth strategy with confidence

Business Leaders running today’s organisations place a heavy emphasis on profit. Profit growth always requires top-line revenue growth, and they expect every one of their business units to be aligned with this growth plan. How can you test this?  Here are 10 critical topics to validate your revenue growth plan against: 1.  Market conditions: Have you got [...]

By | February 10th, 2015|Growth Planning, Step 4 - Growth Strategy|

Who are Centres of Influence?

Centers of Influence (COI’s) are key people within the target client segment that you need to penetrate. Centers of Influence are typically the main advisors engaged by the end-client. Professionals such as Accountants, Financial Advisers, Lawyers are obvious COIs.   If executed correctly, COI’s introduce you to clients with whom you’d [...]

By | October 13th, 2014|Step 4 - Growth Strategy|

3 key reasons to use a Client Referrals strategy

One of the most powerful methods to grow an advisory business is to let the current clients do the work - to get noticed and be talked about. Here are three points why successful firms have always used the approach of getting people talking about their business; about the quality of the service they deliver, [...]

By | October 6th, 2014|Step 4 - Growth Strategy|